Bendigo Nursing Home Eastbourne, UK

Adult social care
Financial help for care and support
Financial help towards care and support from a local authority is not always free: the amount people pay depends on what they can afford.
Financial help is available when someone’s funds reach a certain limit, currently £23,250.
People who have above £23,250 pay for their own care and usually pay the full cost of their care to the care home as a private arrangement.
To help people work out when their capital might reach £23,250 and when they should contact us, we have developed a simple calculator.
Spencer Crouch, ESCC programme manager, said: “We suggest people contact us around six months before they believe their capital will reach £23,250. This will usually give us time to complete a financial assessment and care and support assessment before they need financial help.”
You could share the calculator with self-funding residents who may want to access care and support in the future.
If you have any residents who may need financial help towards the cost of their care and support now, please contact Health and Social Care Connect:
Phone: 0345 60 80 191